Within the Catholic faith, the season of Advent holds profound meaning. It serves a twofold purpose:
Preparation for the Birth of Christ: Advent is a time to prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate the arrival of Jesus. We reflect on the Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament, their fulfilment in Jesus our hope (1 Tim. 1:1), and thus the mission of salvation he’s given to us as members of the one Church he founded.
A Call to Conversion: It’s also a season of introspection and renewal. The liturgical colour purple reminds us of our imperfections and the need for repentance. By acknowledging our shortcomings, we open ourselves to God’s grace and prepare ourselves to receive the gift of Christ. Also, penance—such as through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving—helps us quiet and discipline our hearts for the joy of Christmas (see Catechism 1434). In that light, without an Advent fast it’s harder to prepare for a Christmas.
In essence, this season is a bridge between the past, present, and future. It allows us to look back on the hope for the Saviour of the World, experience anew the joy of his arrival and also his reign in the present through his Church, and to prepare ourselves for his glorious return at his Second Coming.
Catholic Answers Guide to Advent | Catholic Answers Tract
St Peter and All Souls
Christmas Eve, Tuesday 24th Dec, The Nativity of the Lord,
Solemnity with Octave
6.00 pm Children’s Vigil Mass (Nativity)
11.30 pm Carol service with readings
12.00 am Midnight Mass
Christmas Day, Wednesday 25th Dec – Holy Day of Obligation
8.30am Mass
10.45 am Mass
12.30 pm Portuguese Mass
2.00 pm East Timor Mass
4.00 pm Lithuanian Mass
Our Lady of Lourdes
Christmas Eve Tuesday 24thDec, The Nativity of the Lord,
Solemnity with Octave
5.00 pm Childrens Vigil Mass (Nativity)
Christmas Day Wednesday 25th Dec – Holy Day of Obligation
9.15 am Mass
Merry Christmas!
How to Donate to the Parish
We are encouraging parishioners to pay their collection by direct debit or through online banking. Please do consider paying your weekly collection by direct debit if you do not already do so. If you bank online, you can round up whatever you pay weekly into a monthly figure or make one off payments. You can also set your own frequency. The HSBC are now charging us for banking cash so the less cash the less charges. Bank details as below:
HSBC, Account Name: St.Peter & All Souls R C Church, Account no. 51333151, sort-code: 40-36-34
you can download a standing order mandate (below) to fill in and hand
to your bank or to the parish office. Also, if you pay tax please
consider gift aiding your collection, this will not be at any extra cost
to you.
Charity Registration No. 278742
If you have anything you would like to contribute to the website, or any questions or suggestions, please contact the web editor
- The
true spirit of Christmas in Catholic teaching is one of charity,
compassion, and giving. It’s about embodying the love of Christ by
reaching out to those in need, whether through volunteering or simple
acts of kindness. This season calls for a shift from materialism to a
focus on spiritual enrichment and community. The main message of
Christmas is that God is with us, and we are called to become messengers
of Emmanuel, to help bring Christ’s love to the world. Christmas is a
time of great joy, God is with us and shares our human life, the joys
and challenges along with our pain and suffering. The word Emmanuel
beautifully describes the gift of Christmas, it means ‘God is with
us’. This is the main message of Christmas. New Years resolutions - Volunteers needed to help at Mass.
Following the notice above about giving and volunteering, please make
one of your new year’s resolutions to volunteer at Mass on Sundays. If
you are in good standing with the Catholic Church, please think about
becoming a reader, adult altar server, helper in the sacristy &
general help. The priests have so much to do at the Sunday Masses they
are in desperately in need of volunteers especially help in the
sacristy. Training will be given, the only skill needed is your
willingness to help! Please see Fr Karol or contact the office New Fundraising Events Web Page – Fundraising newsletter with information for future and past events please click on the link.
Fundraising events (stpetersallsouls.com)
us to raise £1.3m to repair St Peter and All Souls Roman Catholic
Church and help prevent it from closure. Our church has been at the
heart of Peterborough's diverse community for over 125 years, and we
need your help
Charity Registration No. 278742
you would like to help raise money towards the building work at All
Souls, you can pay directly into the fundraising account at HSBC Sort
code: 40-36-15 Account number: 72401436. Account Name: St Peters &
All Souls RC Church.
If your Alive in Faith has come to an end, please consider donating to our Building Fund.
If you do not bank online you can print off the standing order,
complete the details, hand in to the parish office and we can set this
up for you.
Standing Order Mandate building fund.pdfChristmas - Charity, compassion, and giving
All Souls Building Fund
The Catholic Diocese of East Anglia
Peterborough St Peter and All Souls - Standing Together Achieving Miracles
Donate to our JustGiving page
Contact us:
Email: Parish Priest || Parish office || Web Editor
© 2024 www.stpeterandallsouls.org.uk
website by: Jill Johnson www.whippet-on-the-web.co.uk