Modern Slavery - SATURDAY, 8TH FEBRUARY, we pray for the VICTIMS OF TRAFFICKING AND SLAVERY as we celebrate the FEAST OF ST. JOSEPHINE BAKHITA, a Sudanese woman who was canonised by Pope St John Paul II in 2000. Aged seven in 1877, Josephine was kidnapped and sold into slavery. Josephine would remain a slave until the age of 30 when she eventually entered the religious life in Italy.

The number of enslaved souls currently estimated to be living all around East Anglia is 5,000. In 2022, 746 souls were actually found in modern slavery in the Diocese. The remainder were not found. They are still enslaved, yearning for us to find them. Pope Francis wants us to "find" enslaved people. All that means is learning (simply) to spot the signs and safely report them to the Modern Slavery Helpline 08000 121 700. The new group is looking for young & older volunteers to join the group of Freedom Watchers. Please contact to discuss volunteering.

No previous knowledge or experience is required, just a wish to end slavery in our Diocese. Please read the Modern Slavery leaflet available in your church or online along with much more information at or search RCDEA slavery. The Norwich Justice and Peace group are hosting a Presentation on Modern Slavery at 7:15 pm on 6th February. You are invited . A recording will be posted.

The New Lectionary

A new Lectionary will come into use in parishes in England, Wales and Scotland from Advent 2024. The Vatican’s Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments gave its seal of approval on a new Lectionary proposed by the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales in July of last year. Changes to the new lectionary, which includes the scripture readings for Mass and the sacraments, will see the English Standard Version: Catholic Edition (ESV-CE) of the Bible and the Abbey Psalter replacing the Jerusalem Bible with the Grail Psalms. Other changes, according to Liturgy Office, will include the provision for Saints who have been inserted into the Universal Calendar since the last Lectionary was published in 1981. There will also be the readings for the National Calendars. In addition, some of the revised liturgical rites, such as Marriage, have additional readings. The Lectionary is changing as part of the continuing process of revising liturgical translations, notes CTS. The process began with the Roman Missal in 2011 and has continued to work through all the other liturgical rites. The changes are intended to make the biblical translations more faithful to the original languages, using better and more up-to-date biblical scholarship and to use a text which is “more proclaimable.” The new Lectionary will come into force on the first Sunday of Advent 2024

Could you be a Foundation Governor in one of our Catholic Schools - The Diocese of East Anglia is responsible for 26 schools across the diocese. They all need foundation governors to provide support and challenge and oversight of the work of the school. We need more practising Catholics to put themselves forward to serve as foundation governors. If this is something you feel you might be able to contribute to (and full training and support will be provided) we would love to hear from you. Please contact me, Andy Stone, Director of Schools’ Service by email or by phone on 07500701977 if this could be something of interest to you.


With the cost of living price rises in recent months, there are many more calls on the Foodbank to help those in need. Many are Service Industry workers, whose wages are low. They struggle to feed their families. Many are pensioners, on fixed income. They are afraid to overspend on food.

CAN YOU HELP? When you shop could you add a couple of items to your trolly and either put them in the container at the Supermarket or bring them to the church and we will deliver to the Foodbank Warehouse for you. There is a list below of the items most needed at this time.

“Feed the hungry” is one of the suggestions of Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew’s Gospel.

We are currently low of stock of: Tinned meat, Tinned fish, Instant Mash, Tinned Fruit, Toilet Rolls, Jam, Pasta Sauces

We have plenty of Pasta ,Baked Beans and Female Sanitary Products at the moment. Thank you

Government Household Support fund:

In March, the Government announced an extension of the Household Support Fund. It first started in November 2021. The latest award for Peterborough is £1.82 million, to support those in need with food and utility bills. This funding comes with guidance telling us to focus on: Families with children, Pensioners, Other vulnerable households. We want to do the best we can to help as many people with this funding who are struggling in our city. For more information.

Listening and Prayer Ministry – Volunteers needed in Peterborough

Do you feel called to be a more active part of the loving face of the Church? If so, you might be interested in joining the Diocese’s Listening and Prayer Ministry; a rewarding, voluntary (expenses paid) ministry within the Diocese of East Anglia. If you are a good listener, have compassion for others in their need and believe in the power of prayer to change lives, you could join our team who are already assisting parishioners in need by offering listening and prayer support.

Helpers are trained to deal with situations such as bereavement, health issues, family and relationship problems, faith issues, depression, abuse, anxieties, workplace difficulties and life problems, amongst others. Full training and supervision will be given to enable you to identify and develop the particular gifts God has given you and to facilitate your use of them in this increasingly needed ministry.

If you feel that you may have the necessary empathy, basic skills to listen, and are in agreement with Church teaching, then please email the Marriage and Family Life Coordinator by end December 2022 to express your interest. You will be sent a blank CV to fill in, and a case study and questions to answer. Interviews will take place online and training will begin online in February 2023. Helpers are trained to provide the ministry both live and online. Ongoing supervision will be provided throughout active ministry and opportunities provided for live team meetings, Masses and Days of Reflection.

Members of prayer groups, counsellors and those in training, those interested in counselling or who use similar skills in their work (paid or voluntary) would probably be well suited to this ministry although it is definitely not limited to these individuals.

To apply please contact: Antonia Braithwaite>>Helpers are trained to deal with situations such as bereavement, health issues, family and relationship problems, faith issues, depression, abuse, anxieties, workplace difficulties and life problems, amongst others. Full training and supervision will be given to enable you to identify and develop the particular gifts God has given you and to facilitate your use of them in this increasingly needed ministry.

If you feel that you may have the necessary empathy, basic skills to listen, and are in agreement with Church teaching, then please email the Marriage and Family Life Coordinator by end December 2022 to express your interest. You will be sent a blank CV to fill in, and a case study and questions to answer. Interviews will take place online and training will begin online in February 2023. Helpers are trained to provide the ministry both live and online. Ongoing supervision will be provided throughout active ministry and opportunities provided for live team meetings, Masses and Days of Reflection.

Members of prayer groups, counsellors and those in training, those interested in counselling or who use similar skills in their work (paid or voluntary) would probably be well suited to this ministry although it is definitely not limited to these individuals. an class="x_contentpasted1">

To apply please contact: Antonia Braithwaite

CAFOD - The paradox of abundance

Over 800 million people go hungry each day. Yet the world produces over 4 billion tonnes of food and we only need 3.7 billion tonnes to feed everyone. From all this food produced, a third is wasted. St John Paul II called this ‘the paradox of abundance.’ Clearly the currently global food system is not working. But as Pope Francis said, "Each of us has a role to play in transforming food systems for the benefit of people and the planet." Let’s respond to his call! CAFOD’s new campaign is called Fix the Food System. See for more information, including an invitation for parish groups to learn about the impact of our food with our Fix the Food System: a 7-station journey resource. Please see link 8 things you didn’t know about the food system | CAFOD

The Universe Catholic Weekly

is thrilled to announce that we have launched our new online newspaper with the full support of our first subscriber none other than His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols. Order your Digital 4 weeks FREE trial supply by calling Michelle on 0743 661 7650 or email:


Whether it’s plastic, paper, or aluminium, the products and materials that can be used after they fulfill their original purpose are far from worthless. In fact, most materials have great recycling value. It is estimated that up to 75% of all the waste can be recycled or repurposed, a figure that how impactful the process can be if done right. Almost everything we see around us can be recycled, although different materials require different techniques when they are recycled. Most of the commonly recyclable materials include batteries, biodegradable waste, clothing, electronics, garments, glass, metals, paper, plastics, and a lot more. To find out where to recycle products that you can't put in your green bin use the recycle now website


We are looking to recruit new Governors to support our vibrant and welcoming Catholic schools. We welcome interest especially from practising Catholics, as each Governing Body needs to have a majority of people who are Catholic. Governors help ensure the school is run effectively through having committee meetings covering a number of areas (e.g. Resources, Pastoral and Admissions, Teaching and Learning etc). Governors also oversee the school budget and help out with senior appointments at the school, as well as occasional challenging matters such as exclusions and staff discipline, though these are reassuringly infrequent. They are kept fully informed about all aspects of school life, which is very rich and varied. The Governing Body works well with the school leadership team, and are a welcoming group of people drawn from different walks of life who kindly give up their time to support the school and improve children’s life chances. If you feel this may be of interest to you, please feel free to contact the Headteacher at your local school who can give you more details about the role, and put you in contact with their current Chair of Governors. We hope this role may be attractive to you, and thank you for your support for the schools in St John the Baptist Catholic Multi Academy Trust.

The Trust has schools in Norwich, Costessey, Great Yarmouth, Bungay, Beccles, Lowestoft, King’s Lynn and Peterborough; please see the St John the Baptist Catholic Multi Academy Trust website for details and locations. St John the Baptist Catholic MAT - Home (

Chaplaincy support while in hospital:

A reminder to anyone who is in Peterborough City Hospital, or has loved ones or friends there, to contact the chaplaincy team for support and to receive the sacraments during your/their stay. The chaplains are in the office 7 days a week, between 8am and 4pm, with a 24-hour emergency call-out duty, and they can be reached by telephone, or email to visit. They are not automatically advised that you are Catholic, or that you wish to receive faith support - you must make this known to the chaplaincy team either directly, or by asking your ward staff. Chaplaincy telephone: 01733 673115 (non-urgent calls; a message can be left out of hours); 07934 796221 (emergency priest out of hours); or email

Thank you

is a daily prayer session, designed to go with you wherever you go, to help you pray whenever you find time, but particularly whilst travelling to and from work, study, etc. A new prayer session is produced every day of the working week and one session for the weekend. It is not a 'Thought for the Day', a sermon or a bible-study, but rather a framework for your own prayer. Lasting between ten and thirteen minutes, it combines music, scripture and some questions for reflection.

Our aim is to help you to become more aware of God's presence in your life, listen to and reflect on God's word, grow in your relationship with God. We also have a number of prayer tools, retreats and resources to help supplement your prayer life.

Pray as you go (

Enterprising Catholics:

We offer a voluntary advice/mentoring scheme for all Catholics considering or creating an enterprise (whether a business, professional firm, social enterprise, or a charity). Our mission is to encourage and support Catholics to do good (for themselves/stakeholders/the Church/society) by turning their passions into successful (not-)for-profit enterprises. For more information:

The East Anglian Diocesan Youth Service
exists to help young people in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough to connect with Jesus Christ and his Catholic Church.

We carry out this mission through the running of various events across East Anglia, by providing support to parishes and schools and also through the Ignite Team, which visits schools and churches to run retreats, activities and workshops.

Please click the link to find out more about what we do for young people in our Diocese and for information about upcoming events.

Youth Ministry | Catholic Diocese Of East Anglia (


Visiting Support Service for Older People in Peterborough.

Age UK have identified the significant need for additional support to be made available to older people in Peterborough, we are therefore able to provide free extra assistance for those over 65 in Peterborough when they need it most; particularly when they are experiencing a difficult period, such as bereavement, ill health, financial worries or housing concerns. We listen to your thoughts and wishes and together we will plan a desired outcome that helps you to access the services and support networks you need. Our Visiting Support Service for Older People (VSSOP) enables older people to stay independent and maintain health and wellbeing, by providing a service that meets individual need.

We can assist with forms, benefits, blue badges, organise bills, and assist with housing choices. If someone has a caring role we can support with this. The service can adapt to individual changing needs such as aids and equipment and falls prevention support. We also can also offer information about social opportunities and how you might access them. The team will decide if support can be given over the phone or if a home visit is needed, staff will have full PPE and socially distance. For more information or support please contact:

01354-776110 or email

Thinking about Consecrated life as a Sister or Brother? For more information: Consecrated Life.pdf

Thinking about the Priesthood? For more information: Priesthood.pdf


Lenten Station Mass

With Bishop Peter Collins

13th March 2025

6 pm confessions & Adoration.

7 pm Mass,

8 pm, Lenten food

Singers needed! Please see Stan Sunday at the 10.45 am Mass or email the parish office.


All Souls Building Fund

The Catholic Diocese of East Anglia

Peterborough St Peter and All Souls - Standing Together Achieving Miracles

Donate to our JustGiving page

New Fundraising Events Web Page – Fundraising newsletter with information for future and past events please click on the link.

Fundraising events (

Help us to raise £1.3m to repair St Peter and All Souls Roman Catholic Church and help prevent it from closure. Our church has been at the heart of Peterborough's diverse community for over 125 years, and we need your help

Charity Registration No. 278742

If you would like to help raise money towards the building work at All Souls, you can pay directly into the fundraising account at HSBC Sort code: 40-36-15 Account number: 72401436. Account Name: St Peters & All Souls RC Church.

If your Alive in Faith has come to an end, please consider donating to our Building Fund.

If you do not bank online you can print off the standing order, complete the details, hand in to the parish office and we can set this up for you.

Standing Order Mandate building fund.pdf


Contact us:

Email: Parish Priest || Parish office || Web Editor

© 2025
website by: Jill Johnson

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