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Mt 27: 57-60
When evening fell, a wealthy man from Arimathea arrived,
Joseph by name. He was another of Jesus’ disciples,
and had gone to request the body of Jesus.
Thereupon Pilate issued an order for its release.
Taking the body, Joseph wrapped it in fresh linen
and laid it in his own new tomb which had been hewn from a formation of rock. Then he rolled a huge stone across the entrance of the tomb and went away.
Jesus, when He was nearest to His everlasting triumph, seemed to be farthest from triumphing. When He was nearest upon entering upon His kingdom, and exercising all power in heaven and earth, He was lying dead in a cave of the rock. He was wrapped round in burying-clothes, and confined within a sepulchre of stone, where He was soon to have a glorified spiritual body, which could penetrate all substances, go to and fro quicker than thought, and was about to ascend on high. Make us to trust in Thee, O Jesus,
that Thou wilt display in us a similar providence.
Make us sure, O Lord, that the greater is our distress, the nearer we are to Thee.
The more men scorn us, the more Thou dost honour us.
The more men insult over us, the higher Thou wilt exalt us.
The more they forget us, the more Thou dost keep us in mind.
The more they abandon us, the closer Thou wilt bring us to Thyself.
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